: 0771-4024234, : [email protected]
1.Excellence-: Encouraging and promoting excellence through innovation and creativity, rigour and pragmatism.
2.Integrity-: Being honest and ethical in all interactions, maintaining the highest ethical standards in teaching, research, public engagement and service.
3.Inclusiveness and Diversity-: Embracing and acting on responsibility to guarantee diversity and equity.
4.Responsiveness-: Being receptive to individuals and communities.
5.Accountability-: Accepting responsibility for achievement of common goals and objectives.
6.Freedom and Discovery-: Supporting the freedom to pursue knowledge that is based on individual and collective intelligence, curiosity, ingenuity and creativity.
7.Recognition-: Acknowledging, tangibly, all aspects of university enterprise including teaching and learning, research, scholarship, creative activity and public engagement.
8.Responsibility to Learners-: Recognizing students as a first priority and providing the environment and support to ensure their academic and personal success.
9.Sustainability-: Acting in a manner that is environmentally, economically and socially sustainable in administration, academic and research programs.
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